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Fashion Freelance Writing Jobs- How To Make Your First Steps In The Business

If fashion is your passion and you haven’t made it into the top fashion magazines yet, you can become a freelance fashion writer. It is a great way to get the experience that you need to get yourself a job at one of the top fashion magazines. Maybe you already work for a fashion magazine and you are ready to go off on your own. It is really important that you know how to get yourself into the business.

Step One: Join a freelance site

If you join a freelance site, you can connect with clients that are looking for e-books, blogs, and journals about fashion. It is a great place to start your career because there are usually some added securities to protect you from getting scammed. Learn what services the site provides to protect you.

Step Two: Create a profile

Let people get to know who you are. Create a profile that showcases your talents and gives potential clients an idea of who you are. That way when they are trying to choose between you and other clients, you can show them that you are the best candidate for the job.

Step Three: Compile a portfolio

Show off the work that you have already completed. Show an example of the many different types of papers you have written and let your clients know that fashion is your niche industry.

Step Four: Bid on jobs

Find clients that need fashion blogs and start writing. You can bid on a few different jobs and see if you get any responses. You may need to bid lower than you would want at first to attract some clients and build your clientele.

Additional things that you can do to boost your career:

  • Create a website
  • There are places where you can create websites for a little a month. You can create a nice website and get it published so that you can attract some clients over the internet. Plus you can add your website to your account and make yourself look more professional.

  • Market yourself
  • Take advantage of all marketing opportunities you can get. You need to get yourself out there and let people know what you do so that you can build a stronger client list and get more jobs. Put yourself on the map and make people want to work with you.


Professional Aspects Of Freelance Writing Career
